Tuesday, March 21, 2006


July 27, 3072
Red Dawn Quarters
Office of Lt. Halas 0900 hours

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to not kill Captain Deschain because he pissed me off.

Hm, that didn't help as much as I'd hope. Remember, Lana, deep breaths. And don't test your live-fire rifle skills on the idiot.

While I can somewhat understand the potential need for untracable weapons in the Chaos March where our next contract is likely to be and I can even understand the need to obtain said weapons from a less than reputable person of business.

However I cannot understand, nor entirely understand, the need to have me act the part of what I hate and fear the most. He wants to arrange some idiotic game to trap some other idiot, however he wants to do it by having me do business by pretending to be a rich lyran social general that went to the Red Dawn since it was greener pastures than the Alliance. What kind of crappy thinking is that? Does he realize why I left what was supposed to be home? I am willing to do many things for this unit, but kill a significant portion of my soul as just an act... I can't do it. Not even for my lance. Not when I can't see a clear reason to do so.

So now I'm going to do something I told myself I would try not to do, but I need to and I don't think he'll mind. I'm going to ask my father for advice since I know he's at least familiar with how such operations are done. I've had some rudimentary training, but not enough to know what the best way to go is. I know Victor and Spyros are almost violently opposed to the idea, but the two of them have been acting very protective of me lately. Nicholai told me a few months back he asked Victor to act security for the lance and me in particular, but that doesn't explain Spyros. Jain was also uncomfortable with the idea, but again I don't think she has anymore experience in such matters than I.

No matter what the decision, I won't let the captain bully my people and I will make sure he is aware of that fact. If I chose to go against his plan and my people don't want to do it on their own, he will not like the results if he tries to force anyone into doing what he wants.


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