Friday, June 03, 2005

Warm Fuzzies

December 10, 3071
Red Dawn Barracks

Taking a quiet moment to herself, Lonnie kicked back on the old couch in front of the news. The pale haired woman didn't really care what was going on, but it was background sound to mask her voice as she made her recording.

"New Journal Entry."

Grinning happily, the slim mechwarrior kicked back and propped her feet up on the couch, " First of all, everyone in the lance loved the gifts and none of them have guessed I was the one who left them. Though I was very pleased with the fact that I was able to get the gifts for everyone, not just the Lance, to arrive at the same time. I'm wondering what the reactions were at the presents, just hope they all liked them. Especially Captain Mueller, the others I had a good idea of what would work."

She giggled, a surprisingly girlish sound for someone of her dignity, "Speaking of Captain Mueller, I have the most priceless picture, even if the shot was horrible. Apparently he lost a bet to Commander Kasperov in a poker game last night, so this morning when the good captain arrived with our kits, he was dressed as Santa. I don't think I've seen anyone that angry in quite some time. Someone even tried to decorate the transport he was driving as Santa's sleigh. The group next door got quite a few good pics, even if the Captain made them run until they dropped out of revenge."

Still smiling Lonnie stretched out a bit more on the couch, "And the kit was impressive, far and away better than what I received from the LAAF. The ironic thing is that most of the weapons were Lyran, but I'm starting to get used to these little ironies with my life in this unit. Though I am surprised at how generous Kasperov is being with the way he's outfitting us though Mueller didn't seem surprised at what was being handed out, so I'm guessing that he did this with all of the troops in the unit. Finally did our bit for the unit by helping with the guard duties, and I was right, it felt good to be productive again."

Then she began to sober, "In four days we're shipping out, I'm scared and excited, which I know is normal. Just hope the faith the commander is putting in Bravo Lance will be proven correct. Anyway that's about it for tonight."

"End Journal Entry."


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